21 december 2010

ACHTUNG! Creepy baby pictures

At this time there is a lot of creepy baby pictures circling around, the babys in the pictures look like little santa clauses.
Beware! These babys will take over the world.
Every woman walking the earth will get impregnate by the magical radioactive waves they send out.
And the women giving birth to them will also start to decorate their houses in shabby chic style.

Consider this as a warning.

20 december 2010

ACHTUNG in a blue bathtub

The answer is: NO, we are never growing tired of that bathtub. Everything happening there is a forever-ongoing performance.

click to enlarge...

17 december 2010

ACHTUNG, she is an evil fish

Our bathtub is a safe place. The thoughts are closer, face yourself.
The strongest, most independent fishes swim here.

But a bathtub becomes quite uncomfortable after awhile.
Remember to breath.

16 december 2010

ACHTUNG, we are so deep we drown in ourselves

The resque project is a forever ongoing entertainment act.

We might even accidentally save a panda


We are waiting for the dance.
Our own entertainment.
dance monkey, dance.

We are bored. Fear us.


Juicy nakedness, insanity. The evening when dressing like... ham... is fine. Be whoever, do whatever. The evening to show of your cellulite, your braveness. Hide yourself, be somebody else.
Who are you?
Who do you want to be?

Together we are something we would never dare to discover on our own.